Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Blog

Ok, I needed a place to talk to myself! : D I always have so much to say, but no one to listen! First of all the name of my blog is how I feel about life. You must have Faith in God to have Hope that your life will be filled with Joy! That's it! It all begins with FAITH! One day I will post my amazing story of FAITH and you will understand better. Yes, I am a through and through Christian! I finally gave my live to the Lord when I was 46 years old and have not been happier since. I am happily divorced w/one adult son who has not given me a grandchild or even a daughter-in-law yet! : P I told him by the time he finally had children that I was going to be in a nursing home. I can picture it now asking the poor children every 5 minutes what were their names! I do have 3 dogs and 1 cat who keep me company and sorry but, much easier to get along with than a husband! Now that wasn't nice was it! ; ) Well, the first post will not be the last and I assure you it will get more interesting! Have a blessed evening! Pray without ceasing!